HealthGPT Intro

Intro to HealthGTP

We won't be using ChatGPT extensively in TripleFit, but I wanted to share some cool features with you.

ChatGPT can’t shed your 30 pounds for you. That’s what I said when I doubted it could genuinely help transform our health. Turns out, I just hadn’t trained it to be my trainer. But after spending hours collaborating with it, I've cracked what I call: "HealthGPT."

And now, it's my assistant health coach. Here are 3 ways how I use ChatGPT for wellness:

Method 1: For My Personal Health

Summary: Generic interaction = generic results. Working with ChatGPT is a personal collaboration—you need to iterate with specificity until it gets you. Don't quit early.

Steps: First, I created a thread for my personal health. Then, I trained ChatGPT on my unique goals, preferences, challenges, and Enneagram Type. Finally, asked it solution-based questions specific to my Personality, Preferences, and Priorities.

Method 2: For The Health of My Clients

Summary: Once you train a thread with your health Priorities, Preferences, and Personality, you can keep building upon it as you progress. I track and update my clients' results so "the robot" is aware of changes.

Steps: First, I create a separate thread for each of my wellness clients. Then, I train it on my Personal Wellness System Frameworks. I then train it on my clients’ Priorities, Preferences, & Personalities. Finally, I make client-specific queries.

Method 3: For Personality-Based Wellness Content

Summary: I love ChatGPT's ability to learn my proprietary frameworks & formats.

Steps: First, I train ChatGPT on my Personal Wellness System components. Then train it on my audience's desires & challenges. Finally, I ask it content questions connecting by the two.

Your Triple Assignment:

  1. Step 1: We're not going to make ChatGPT a requirement in TripleFit. So your first step is deciding whether or not you're interested in playing with it.
  2. Step 2: If you ARE interested, create a free (or paid if you want) ChatGPT account.
  3. Step 3: Email me at [email protected] if you do set up an account, and I'll know how much time to spend on this in the program this round.

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